Technical products and their attributes – theory and practical applications This paper has been presented at workshop applied engineering design science AEDS 2008 held in Pilsen


Any technical product – technical system (TS) and its life cycle processes need to meet many requirements. These are not only requirements concerning the TS operation functions, their parameters and connection interfaces, but also high product safety and health protection, good appearance, easy manufacture, transport, maintenance and liquidation, low price, short delivery time, and many others. The paper introduces a system approach based on the “Map” of Engineering Design Science knowledge [Hubka&Eder 1988, Hubka&Eder 1996, Andreasen 2000, Eder&Hosnedl 2008, and many others] the aim of which is to achieve a higher transparency and user friendliness of the outlined and bounded engineering design areas, and shows practical applications, which have quite successfully validated the proposed improvements.

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